Fog of War


Hello you sophisticated humans, I wrote this:


Mission: Fog of War 

Location: Verdansk, Kastovia

Date: October 24th, 2019


The helicopter is loud. “Echo 3-1 to Charlie-2 actual” I say into the microphone. “Go for actual” responds Colonel Norris.


“LZ is in sight. Looks like your boys are right on time, Colonel.”


“Roger 3-1. Hitman teams are locked and loaded for assault. You are green to go.”


“Watcher to 3-1, how copy-?” Station Chief Laswell cuts into the mic.


“Station Chief Laswell,” I reply “send to traffic”.


“General Barkov has sent a new shipment of chlorine gas to his depot… but his mercs are prepping to move the chems into Urzikstan via convoy, tonight. You’re still clear to engage, but live fire on Russian military is prohibited, we cannot have an international accident.”


“No guarantee Russian army won’t respond on this, Kate.”


“Understood, Alex. Just locate the gas, commander Barkov’s trucks, and get off the X before the tide turns.”


“Copy Watcher,” I say, while going down a rope off the helicopter. “We’ll handle it.”


Me and my team walk through the dark forest. I hold my gun close, ready to shoot when ready. Suddenly, we see two people. “Two mercs, no uniforms” Hitman 7-1 explains. Me and Hitman 7-1 shoot one merc each at the same time.

I walk to the fence, I look down on the warehouse, where the chemicals are. “Echo 3-1 to Blue Viking 5, call for fire. Stand by for target confirmation.”


“Copy that, Echo 3-1” the air bomber pilot replied. “Standing by.”


I grab my spotter scope, and search the warehouse for Russian Army. “Medium truck entering the front gate. Holding Chemicals. They must come in through the rail yard.” I tell my team. “No Russian army. Blue Viking 5, this is Echo 3-1, troops in the open, south gate, you are cleared hot.”


“Roger 3-1, target acquired” they respond, “weapons free in 5 seconds.”


“5 seconds!” I yell


“Thunder and lightning, above!” Exclaims Hitman 7-2.


I watch as the plane flys over and drops bombs on the warehouse. The whole warehouse blows up, still on fire. “Echo 3-1, good effect on target,” Viking said into the headset, “Viking is RTB, good hunting.” “Much obliged, Viking, we’ll take it from here.” I reply.

There is a shed to the right, it must lead us to the warehouse. We break into the shed, where there is a massive hole in the back which leads to another forest. The cold wind blows down my neck. We’re in the forest, closing in on the warehouse. “Heads up” Hitman 7-1 proclaims. “Multiple guns on foot.” Mercs were cautiously watching the area. “Wait for them to come closer.” The mercs come closer and closer. I shoot one and take him out, Hitman 1-7 takes out the other 2. We walk down the pathway to the entrance. “Looks like someone was playing with fire,” said Hitman 7-1 “Serves em’ right, for holding all that chemical (…).” Said Hitman 7-5. We walk into the warehouse and see someone crawling for life, on fire. “Burner, put em outta there misery.” Hitman 7-1 says, with a disturbed face. We continue walking to find another burner. I finished him off, so he won’t feel anymore pain. The sirens pierce my ears. We’re about to enter the warehouse when we see two mercs from a window. We break in and shoot them both.

To get to the main supply of chems, we need to cross the rail yard. We open the door to the yard and bullets welcome us with open arms, the bullets hit Hitman 7-2 , killing him. “Man down!” Hitman 7-1 shouts. “Suppress that MG and push up!” I run across the yard, guns blazing, feeling the heat of the bullets passing by me. I shoot my gun, killing a couple of mercs, allowing me to get closer. I hide in a shed and throw a grenade through a window and blow 2 mercs to kingdom come. I climb up a ladder as fast as I can to dodge fire. I get behind a barricade and start shooting for my life.

“Got runners!” Shouts Hitman 7-3. “They’re breaking for the warehouse!” Yells Hitman 7-5. Me and my team shoot the runners and move to the warehouse. “Clear!” Yells Hitman 7-3. “The gas must be inside” I say. “Unless we’re too late,” Hitman 7-4 shouts.

We enter the warehouse. “Clear!” Hitman 7-5 shouts. “Clear!” Yells Hitman 7-1, “Chems may be inside, put your gas masks on!” Me and the team grab our gas masks and put them on. “Let’s do this,”  says Hitman 7-1 with a wary voice. He opens the door and then the power goes out. “The f@ck?” Hitman 7-2 whispers. “They cut the lights,” I reply. “Go white light,” 7-1 demands. Everyone puts on their head light. “On me.” We walk into the pitch black room, there is nothing but wooden boxes on shelves. Suddenly, a metal tool struck the cold concrete floor. “You hear that?” Hitman 7-4 asks. “Whoever cut the power, they’re still here” says 7-3. I walk up to see if it was a person and not an airstrike. I see a person holding a gun. I fill him with bullets and yell “Contact!” More people come from around the corner, guarding the exit to the room. We pump their guts full of lead. 

“We need power 3-1, turn on the power, find the gas, and let’s hit the road!” 7-1 says. “On it” I reply. I look around until I finally found a power box. I pull the lever and the power comes back. “We’ve got a problem,” exclaims 7-3. “This guy is Russian Army… Spetsnaz.” This isn’t good I think to myself, I grab my radio and say into the mic: “3-1 to Watcher… Barkov’s hired men are Spetsnaz. We got Russian army KIA. We need to bug out now.” “Negative.” Laswell replies, “Command want’s mission accomplished on this. Not our choice.”


“Never is… 3-1 out.”


I can see the barrels of chemicals. “Verify this is what we came for, and we’ll set the trucks for egress” Hitman 7-1 asks. I get up on the ledge and take a swab. “Jackpot,”I say “PID on the gas.” “Solid Copy 3-1. Load up and get back to base.” Laswell says. 


“Roger that, let’s move out!” I walk outside where the team has some trucks ready to leave. “You’re with me 3-1, take shotgun.” 7-4 says. I hop in the truck with him and we start to drive off him. “All stations, we are Oscar Mike to the RV, watch your sectors” I say. “Good work, Alex. Rally at the hook  point for egress.” Laswell responds. As we are driving, a flaming truck ran into the truck in front of us. Gun fire hits our truck. “All stations, we are under attack! Hitman is taking heavy contact from unknown forces!!” 7-1 yells. “RPG!” 7-4 screams. Our truck tips over and we fall out. I black out for a little bit I awake to the sound of Laswell’s voice on the radio. “Watcher to 3-1, how copy?! Alex, do you read, over?! Hitman 7-4 walks over to me. “I got you 3-1, I got you.” 7-4 drags me over while 7-1 holds off against the unknown force. 7-1 lies down by me, tries to get up, and gets shot dead. “Who the (…) are thes- ” 7-4 gets cut off by the terrorist bullets. (In Arabic) “ Captain! These men aren’t Russians. They’re marines, American.” “We have to go, now!” The leader of terrorists replies. They didn’t finish me off, knowing they would be in trouble if so. They leave, I get up and take off my mask. The air goes back into my lungs. “Echo 3-1 to Watcher…” I say. “Alex, what happened?!” Laswell asked.


“Terrorist attack-multiple marines KIA- gas stolen, we need EVAC now!” 


“Roger-Tracking multiple Russian forces headed your way. Sit tight. We’re pushing to you for fast exfil. Watcher out.” I sit quietly as the warm wind blows on my face. I look at my fallen teammates. They didn’t have to die. I wait quietly. All by myself. Hoping Laswell’s team gets to me before the Russian’s do.